Me, myself and I

This is my first attempt to enter the world of blogging. This statement does not serve as a disclaimer of my random thoughts nor a manifestation of my apprehension for this new endeavor but rather an adventurous and exciting exclamation of new things to explore. I value my privacy and the number of my Facebook friends is a testament by itself. Sharing my ideas and principles in the net somehow feels like opening myself to the world, inviting a complete stranger to see my inner self and worst, judge me for that.  But nevertheless, as in everything in life, fear of things that are bound to happen would never hinder a wandering soul to embark on its journey.

Blogging, for me, is about sharing a parcel of myself to all netizens, and as such, the very first thing that you should know about me is that I love travelling. Every place I go to is like starting a love affair, opening myself to new discoveries, experiencing an adventure that would teach me invaluable lessons, passionately immersing myself with such exploration and completely letting go of my impulse to control, surrendering in the possibility of uncertainty. And when the time comes when we have to part ways, I could always say to myself that at least we had it that good.

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